Revised by MatthewA tax collector who became one of Jesus’ 12 disciples. L. Skinner, 4/24
1. Prologue (LukeThe "beloved physician" and companion of Paul. 1:1-4)
In a formal preface, the author introduces the book as a meaningful narrative, “an orderly account” meant to build up the faith of believers.
2. The Births of John and JesusJesus is the Messiah whose life, death, and resurrection are God’s saving act for humanity. (Luke 1:5-2:40)
The miraculous births of John the BaptistJohn the Baptizer was the forerunner of Jesus the Messiah, preaching a gospel of repentance and preparing the way of the Lord. and Jesus reaffirm God’s faithfulness to the people of Israel, for those events declare the coming of Christ the Savior, God’s remembrance of the Jewish people, and hope for Gentiles.
A. Angels Announce the Births of John and Jesus (Luke 1:5-56)
An angel tells the aged priestA priest is a person who has the authority to perform religious rites. In New Testament times priests were responsible for daily offerings and sacrifices in the temple. Zechariah that he and ElizabethMother of John the Baptist. will have a son named John, then Mary learns from the angel that she will give birth to God’s Son. Mary accepts this news and responds with a prophetic hymn that celebrates God as a doer of great, transformative deeds.
B. John the Baptist Is Born (Luke 1:57-80)
Elizabeth gives birth to John, then Zechariah speaks a prophecyProphecy is the gift, inspired by God, of speaking and interpreting the divine will. Prophets such as Amos, Isaiah, and Ezekiel spoke words of judgment and comfort to the people of Israel on behalf of God. that declares Jesus to be Israel’s Savior and John to be a prophet who will make preparations for the coming of the Lord.
C. Jesus the MessiahThe Messiah was the one who, it was believed, would come to free the people of Israel from bondage and exile. In Jewish thought the Messiah is the anticipated one who will come, as prophesied by Isaiah. In Christian thought Jesus of Nazareth is identified… Is Born, Circumcised, and Recognized (Luke 2:1-40)
Mary gives birth to Jesus in Bethlehem, shepherds visit and glorify God, and after eight days the child is circumcised in accordance with Jewish law. Jesus’ family brings him to the Jerusalem TempleThe Jerusalem temple, unlike the tabernacle, was a permanent structure, although (like the tabernacle) it was a place of worship and religious activity. On one occasion Jesus felt such activity was unacceptable and, as reported in all four Gospels, drove from the temple those engaged…. In the Temple, a righteousA righteous person is one who is ethical and faithful to God’s covenant. Righteousness in the Old Testament is an attitude of God; in the New Testament it is a gift of God through grace. In the New Testament righteousness is a relationship with God… man named Simeon and a prophet named AnnaAnna appears in Luke 2:36-38, as Mary and Joseph bring the infant Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem eight days after his birth. praise God with prophetic words about Jesus.
3. Events Prior to Jesus’ Public Ministry (Luke 2:41-4:13)
Before Jesus begins his ministry, he grows in wisdomWisdom encompasses the qualities of experience, knowledge, and good judgment. The Old Testament book of Proverbs, which sometimes invokes a Woman as the personification of Wisdom, is a collection of aphorisms and moral teachings. Along with other biblical passages, it teaches, “The fear of the… as a child, is baptized when he is around 30 years old, and is tested by the devil in the wilderness. John the Baptist calls the people of Israel to repentance and is imprisoned.
A. Jesus Lost in the Temple at Age Twelve (Luke 2:41-52)
Jesus and his family travel to Jerusalem to celebrate PassoverPassover commemorates the deliverance of the Hebrew people from Egypt as described in the book of Exodus. It is celebrated with worship and a meal on the fourteenth day of the month called Nisan, which is the first month of the Jewish year. The time…, but when the group of pilgrims returns toward Nazareth, Jesus is missing. He stays in the Temple for three days to converse with the teachers of Israel.
B. John the Baptist Calls for Repentance (Luke 3:1-20)
John baptizes people as a sign of repentance and forgiveness. He offers warnings, demands ethical behavior, and declares that a person more powerful than he is coming.
C. Jesus’ BaptismJesus was baptized (literally, “dipped”) in the Jordan River by John the Baptizer, at which time he was acclaimed from heaven as God’s Son, the Beloved. Much later baptism became one of the sacraments of the Church, the action by which a person is incorporated… (Luke 3:21-22)
Jesus is baptized, the HolyHoly is a term that originally meant set apart for the worship or service of God. While the term may refer to people, objects, time, or places, holiness in Judaism and Christianity primarily denotes the realm of the divine Spirit comes upon him, and God declares him to be God’s beloved Son.
D. Jesus’ GenealogyGenealogy involves the study and tracing of families through the generations – in short, family history. One genealogy in Genesis traces the nations descended from Noah. In the New Testament Matthew traces the ancestry of Jesus back to Abraham, while Jesus’ genealogy in Luke goes… (Luke 3:23-38)
A genealogy traces Jesus’ ancestry from his father Joseph, through DavidSecond king of Israel, David united the northern and southern kingdoms., through AbrahamGod promised that Abraham would become the father of a great nation, receive a land, and bring blessing to all nations., all the way back to AdamThe first human God created..
E. The Devil Tests Jesus in the Wilderness (Luke 4:1-13)
The Spirit leads Jesus into the wild for 40 days where he fasts and resists the devil’s attempts to get him to misuse his power as God’s Son.
4. Jesus’ Public Ministry in and around Galilee (Luke 4:14-9:50)
In his public ministry Jesus brings salvationSalvation can mean saved from something (deliverance) or for something (redemption). Paul preached that salvation comes through the death of Christ on the cross which redeemed sinners from death and for a grace-filled life. and wholeness to many. This ministry proclaims the good news of the reign of God through Jesus’ teaching, healing, and exorcisms of uncleanIn Hebrew law many regulations warned against impurity. Unclean things were numerous and included leprosy, menstruating women, dead bodies, shell fish, and pigs. spirits.
A. Jesus’ Sermon in Nazareth (Luke 4:14-30)
In his hometown Jesus declares himself anointed by the Spirit of the Lord to proclaim good news and deliverance. When people in his audience learn that Jesus’ ministry will have benefits for more than them alone, they attempt to kill him. He inexplicably escapes.
B. ExorcismExorcism is the act or rite of driving out unclean spirits. The New Testament records incidents in which Jesus and Paul, in the name of God, expelled, or exorcised, evil spirits. and Healings (Luke 4:31-44)
Jesus casts demons out of people and heals those who are sick, including Simon’s mother-in-law.
C. Jesus Calls Three Fishermen (Luke 5:1-11)
Jesus tells Simon, James, and John how to catch an enormous number of fish, then promises that from this point forward they, as his followers, will be catching people.
D. Healings and Controversies (Luke 5:12-6:11)
Jesus continues his ministry of healing, even as some people begin to question what looks to them like his disregard for Jewish law. Jesus replies by asserting his authority from God and disputing his opponents’ interpretations of the law.
E. Jesus Selects Apostles and Teaches on a Plain (Luke 6:12-49)
Jesus chooses twelve apostles and teaches people about true blessedness, human relationships, and good character.
F. Jesus Heals, Answers Doubts, and Pronounces Forgiveness (Luke 7:1-50)
In a series of scenes, Jesus heals a man enslaved to a Roman centurionA centurion was a Roman officer who commanded a military unit made up of one hundred men. Jesus healed a centurion’s servant, and a centurion, at Jesus’ crucifixion, acclaimed him to be God’s Son. in Capernaum, raises from the dead the only son of a widowA widow is a woman whose spouse has died, often plunging her into poverty and putting her in a vulnerable position in society. Jesus, in his concern for the poor, regards widows with compassion and concern. in Nain, answers John the Baptist’s doubts about his identity, and announces that a grateful woman has had her sins forgiven.
G. The Women Who Follow and Support Jesus (Luke 8:1-3)
As Jesus continues to proclaim and bring the good news of God’s reign, the Gospel’s narrator introduces readers to three of the many women who travel with Jesus as disciples who support his ministry. These three are Mary MagdaleneFollower of Jesus and among the first to reach Jesus’ tomb on Easter., Joanna, and Susanna.
H. Jesus Teaches and Performs Astounding Miracles (Luke 8:4-56)
In a series of scenes, Jesus tells a parableA parable is a brief story with a setting, an action, and a result. A prominent aspect of Jesus’ teaching was telling parables to illustrate something about the kingdom, or reign, of God. about a man sowing seeds and offers more teachings. Then comes a collection of impressive miracles: calming a storm at sea, driving multiple demons out of a tormented man, healing a long-suffering woman, and bringing a young girl back to life.
I. Jesus’ Influence Continues to Expand (Luke 9:1-17)
Jesus sends his apostles out to exorcise demons, cure illnesses, and proclaim the kingdom of GodThe kingdom (reign) of God is a central theme of Jesus’ teaching and parables. According to Jesus this reign of God is a present reality and at the same time is yet to come. When Christians pray the Lord’s Prayer, they ask that God’s kingdom…, just as he has been doing. After his followers report back to him, he miraculously feeds a group of about five thousand people.
J. Jesus Tells about His Death, and God Confirms His Authority (Luke 9:18-50)
After a conversation with his disciples about his identity, Jesus announces that he will be rejected, abused, killed, and raised from the dead. On a mountain he is transfigured, and God speaks to PeterPeter (also known as Cephas, Simon Peter) was the disciple who denied Jesus during his trial but later became a leader in proclaiming Jesus., John, and James. An exorcism, another passionPassion is the theological term used to describe Jesus’ suffering prior to and including his crucifixion. The Passion Narrative (the portions of the Gospels that tell of the Last Supper, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus) are often read in church during Holy Week. prediction, and some teachings follow.
5. Jesus’ Ministry Continues as He Journeys to Jerusalem (Luke 9:51-19:27)
Jesus continues his ministry of teaching, healing, and exorcising spirits as the story continues, but now he begins to travel toward Jerusalem. Many of the stories told in this section (Luke’s “travel narrative”) are found only in this Gospel.
A. Jesus’ Work Continues amid Conflict (Luke 9:51-10:24)
Jesus is not allowed to enter a SamaritanSamaritans were a people who mostly lived between Galilee and Judea and were avoided or shunned by mainstream Judaism. Jesus’ message, however, was so inclusive that he often spoke favorably of Samaritans as he did with the woman at the well (John 4) and in… village, a would-be follower is not ready to come with him, and Jesus commissions 70 followers to cure the sick and proclaim the good news. The 70 return with news of success, while Jesus speaks about the judgment of cities and the downfall of Satan.
B. The Parable of the Neighborly Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
Jesus responds to a legal expert’s questions about love by telling a parable about a Samaritan who helps a wounded traveler near Jericho even though it appears risky to do so.
C. More Scenes of Teaching and Controversy (Luke 10:38-11:36)
In a series of short scenes, Jesus visits the sisters Mary and MarthaThe sister of Mary and Lazarus., teaches about prayer, refutes those who accuse him of being empowered by Satan, and continues to teach people.
D. Warnings against False Piety (Luke 11:37-12:12)
Jesus denounces Pharisees and scribes for their hypocrisy. He warns his followers about those who will oppose them, but promises that they will receive guidance from the Holy Spirit.
E. Teachings about Confidence and Preparedness (Luke 12:13-48)
Jesus tells a parable about a rich man seeking security in his many possessions, warns against anxiety about the future, and exhorts his followers to be ready and alert.
F. Coming Judgment (Luke 12:49-13:9)
Jesus speaks about the judgment and division that he has come to bring. He calls for repentance before judgment comes.
G. The Coming Kingdom of God (Luke 13:10-35)
A series of scenes illustrates aspects of God’s reign. Jesus heals a woman’s bent back in an act of deliverance, he describes the kingdom of God as a growing seed, he calls people to enter through “the narrow door,” and he laments how Jerusalem responds to God’s agents with violence.
H. Teachings about Discipleship (Luke 14:1-35)
After healing a man suffering from dropsy, Jesus teaches about humility and the costly aspects of being his discipleA disciple is a person who accepts and follows the pronouncements of a teacher. Jesus chose twelve disciples (also called “apostles” in some of the Gospels) to follow him and bear witness to his message Anyone who (like them) follows Jesus is engaged in Christian…. He also tells a parable that illustrates the wide range of people who are called to share in the kingdom of God.
I. Parables of the Lost (Luke 15:1-32)
In response to people who grumble about Jesus’ habit of embracing and eating with “tax collectors and sinners,” he tells three parables about the finding of a lost sheep, a lost coin, and a lost son (also this son’s brother).
J. The Dangers of Wealth (Luke 16:1-31)
With two parables–one about a dishonest manager, one about a rich man and a poor man–Jesus speaks about wealth’s connections to power, the dangers of neglecting people who are poor, and how wealth competes with God for people’s devotion.
K. Teaching and Manifesting the Kingdom of God (Luke 17:1-18:30)
In a series of scenes, Jesus teaches about faithfulness and the kingdom of God, heals ten people afflicted with a skin condition, offers parables about God’s faithfulness and human humility, blesses children, and warns that people with wealth exclude themselves from God’s reign.
L. Sight, Salvation, and Kingship (Luke 18:31-19:27)
Jesus speaks again about his coming suffering, death, and resurrection. Then, a blind beggar near Jericho receives sight from Jesus, Jesus proclaims the salvation of a rich tax collectorTax collectors, sometimes called publicans, were unpopular because they were thought to be greedy and unscrupulous. Jesus, however, not only ate with tax collectors but also treated them sympathetically. The fact that he favored such tax collectors as Zacchaeus and Matthew annoyed many pious persons. … who gives generously, and he tells a parable in response to speculation about the appearance of the reign of God.
6. Jesus in Jerusalem (Luke 19:28-21:38)
Jesus arrives at Jerusalem and laments the city’s failure to recognize God’s visitation. He criticizes certain practices conducted in the Temple, debates religious authorities, and foretells periods of destruction followed by his return in great glory.
A. Jesus Enters Jerusalem and the Temple (Luke 19:28-48)
Jesus rides toward Jerusalem on a colt as people acclaim him as king, he weeps when he sees the city, then he enters the Temple and drives out people who had set up markets there.
B. Debate and Controversy in the Temple (Luke 20:1-21:4)
A number of scenes tell about Jesus as he teaches in the Temple, where he condemns groups of Jerusalem’s religious leaders for their refusal to acknowledge his authority, their hypocrisy, and their failure to provide spiritual leadership.
C. Jesus Foretells Things to Come (Luke 21:5-38)
Jesus speaks about the destruction of the Temple, the persecution that will afflict his followers, the siege of Jerusalem, and his future return as the glorified “Son of Man.”
7. Jesus’ Arrest, Trials, and Crucifixion (Luke 22:1-23:56)
Jesus celebrates Passover with his disciples, is arrested, is interrogated by Jewish and Roman authorities, and is executed by crucifixion.
A. The Last SupperLast Supper is another term for the Lord’s Supper. The term refers specifically to the final meal Jesus shared with his disciples before his crucifixion. Christians believe that the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper (also “communion” or “the Eucharist”) was established by Jesus at the… (Luke 22:1-23)
Judas, prompted to act by Satan, secretly offers to betray Jesus. Jesus and his disciples then eat a Passover meal, at which Jesus says that the bread and wine are his body and blood.
B. Jesus Instructs His Followers (Luke 22:24-38)
Jesus offers final teachings to his disciples and tells Peter that he will deny him three times.
C. Jesus’ Arrest (Luke 22:39-54)
At the Mount of Olives, Jesus prays and submits himself to God’s will. A group of chief priests, temple officers, and eldersElders are leaders who exercise wisdom or leadership by virtue of their age and experience. In the New Testament elders, along with the chief priests and scribes, constituted the primary opposition to Jesus when he taught in Jerusalem. arrives to arrest Jesus and take him to the high priest’s house.
D. Peter Denies Jesus (Luke 22:55-62)
At the courtyard of the high priest’s house, Peter denies having any association with the prisoner Jesus three times.
E. Jesus on Trial (Luke 22:63-23:25)
A council of Jewish leaders interrogates Jesus then accuses him before the Roman governor, Pilate. First Pilate, then Herod AntipasKing over Galilee who executed John the Baptist and mocked Jesus before the crucifixion., question Jesus until at last Pilate grants the leaders’ and crowd’s demands that Jesus be crucified.
F. The Death of Jesus (Luke 23:26-56)
Jesus is crucified between two outlaws, one of whom turns to Jesus and is promised a place in Paradise. Jesus dies quoting PsalmA psalm is a song of praise. In the Old Testament 150 psalms comprise the psalter, although some of the psalms are laments and thanksgivings. In the New Testament early Christians gathered to sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. 31:5 (“Into your hand I commit my spirit”), and a Roman centurion declares Jesus’ innocence. A man from Arimathea named Joseph places Jesus’ corpse into a never-used tomb carved into rock.
8. Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension (Luke 24:1-53)
A group of women who were among Jesus’ followers discover his tomb empty on the first day of the new week. Jesus appears to groups of his followers and ascends into heaven.
A. Discovery of the Empty Tomb (Luke 24:1-12)
The same women who witnessed Jesus’ burial return to his tomb and find it empty. Two angelic beings announce to them that he has risen from the dead.
B. Jesus Appears to Two Followers as They Travel to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)
Jesus joins Cleopas and a companion as they journey away from Jerusalem, but they do not recognize him even though he explains to them that it was necessary for the Christ to suffer. As all three of them share a meal in Emmaus, the two travelers recognize Jesus at the moment he blesses and breaks bread.
C. Jesus Appears to His Followers in Jerusalem (Luke 24:36-49)
Jesus appears to his followers, invites them to touch him, eats in their presence, and declares that his death and resurrection are a fulfillment of Scripture. He charges them to remain in Jerusalem until they receive “power from on high.”
D. Jesus Is Carried up into Heaven (Luke 24:50-53)
At Bethany, Jesus blesses his followers and is taken into heaven. They return to Jerusalem and worship God in the Temple.