Maps Maps Understand the geography where the biblical story takes place Find a Map Filter by Book Select a value 1 Chronicles 1 Corinthians 1 John 1 Kings 1 Peter 1 Samuel 1 Thessalonians 1 Timothy 2 Chronicles 2 Corinthians 2 John 2 Kings 2 Peter 2 Samuel 2 Thessalonians 2 Timothy 3 John Acts Amos Colossians Daniel Deuteronomy Ecclesiastes Ephesians Esther Exodus Ezekiel Ezra Galatians Genesis Habakkuk Haggai Hebrews Hosea Isaiah James Jeremiah Job Joel John Jonah Joshua Jude Judges Lamentations Leviticus Luke Malachi Mark Matthew Micah Nahum Nehemiah Numbers Obadiah Philemon Philippians Proverbs Psalms Revelation Romans Ruth Song of Songs Titus Zechariah Zephaniah Filter by Period Select a value Ancestral Period: 1800 BCE - 1500 BCE Divided Monarchy: 922 BCE - 722 BCE Egypt, Exodus, Land: 1500 BCE - 1240 BCE Exile: 586 BCE - 539 BCE Jesus' Life and Death: 5 BCE - 30 CE Judah during Persian Rule: 538 BCE - 332 BCE Judea during Hellenistic Rule: 332 BCE - 165 BCE Judea during Roman Rule: 63 BCE - 135 CE Kingdom of Judah: 722 BCE - 586 BCE Maccabees and Hasmoneans: 165 BCE - 63 BCE Paul's Letters: 50 CE - 60 CE Period of the Judges: 1240 BCE - 1000 BCE Prehistory: up to 1800 BCE The Church Is Born: 30 CE - 60 CE The post-Exilic period (not earlier than the fifth century BC The Second Generation of the Church: 60 CE - 120 CE United Monarchy: 1000 BCE - 922 BCE Ancient Near EastExodusFirst-Century Mediterranean WorldFirst-Century Aegean RegionFirst-Century Asia MinorFirst-Century GalileeFirst-Century JudeaFirst-Century Palestine (Northern)First-Century Palestine (Southern)First-Century Western Asia MinorIsrael and Judah (Southern)Israel in the Time of the Judges (Northern)Israel in the Time of the Judges (Southern)Jerusalem in the Early First CenturyNorthern CanaanSouthern CanaanThe United Monarchy (Northern)The United Monarchy (Southern)