Everything You Wanted to Know about the Bible

Everything You Wanted to Know about the Bible

...but were afraid to ask

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Find Yourself in God's Story

The Bible is a collection of stories—stories that have helped people make meaning for millennia. Stories of struggle and purpose. Stories of love and loss. Stories of life and death. 

And if you learn how to look for it, you just might find your story here, too.

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What’s in Your Suitcase?
As people of faith, we need to ask ourselves regularly: “What God will people see in me?” So, start packing. What’s in your suitcase?
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@beccatapert">Becca Tapert</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/photos/group-of-women-facing-backward-u5e1kqW6E3M">Unsplash</a>; licensed under CC0.
What happens when the Bible is used for cynical and destructive political purposes? Anna Marsh provides context for understanding the Book of Nahum and its lessons for present-day believers.

Listen to the Podcast

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In episode 132 of the Enter the Bible podcast, co-hosts Kathryn Schifferdecker and Katie Langston discuss the audience-submitted question, "Were there female leaders in the early church?" with guest Dr. Matt Skinner.
