Lesson 1 of 6
In Progress

Summary of 1 Kings

Revised by Rachel Wrenn, 2/24


First Kings continues the story where 2 Samuel left off. Chapters 1-2 complete the presentation of the reign of David and the succession of Solomon. Chapters 3-11 depict Solomon’s glorious reign, highlighted by the construction of the Temple, but including his ultimate apostasy. Chapters 12-14 relate Jeroboam’s rebellion, his censure by the prophets, and the resulting division of the nation into the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah in 722 BCE. The rest of 1 Kings details the reigns of the divided monarchy, alternating between the North and the South, but with the bulk of the material considering the period of Israelite supremacy, especially under Omri and Ahab. This period also includes the abrupt appearance and compelling ministry of the prophet Elijah.


First Kings is a story of kings and prophets told for a purpose. Rather than chronicling the royal events as they happened, 1 Kings uses the history of the kings of Judah and Israel as a tool of education, warning, and comfort. The authors of 1 Kings attempt to explain the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BCE to those experiencing exile in Babylon. With these stories, the authors encourage a new national self-understanding. There are stories of the failure of Israel’s kings and other power players. With their failure came deserved divine judgment, according to 1 Kings. But the tale also offers a story of God’s unrelenting, loving commitment to God’s people. Through divine words of hope, judgment, summons, and warning, God seeks to maintain the deep and meaningful covenantal relationship with God’s people. We, too, need to hear that a patient and merciful God awaits our response, delights in our attention, and listens to our prayers.


First Kings is the 11th book in the Old Testament, immediately after 2 Samuel and before 2 Kings.


Ancient tradition identifies Jeremiah as the author of 1 and 2 Kings. Today, many scholars believe that 1 and 2 Kings are the concluding part of the Deuteronomistic History in which various older traditions were gathered together and edited by anonymous exilic editors.


The final event recorded in the books of Kings occurred in 561 BCE. Since the return from Babylon in 538 BCE is not recorded, one assumes that–as part of the Deuteronomistic History–1 Kings reached its final form sometime between these dates; that is, during the Babylonian exile or soon thereafter.


First Kings begins by recounting the end of David’s reign and the grisly events that led to the succession of Solomon (1 Kings 1-2). This is followed by the reign of Solomon, in which the Jerusalem Temple was constructed (1 Kings 3-11. Under Solomon’s son, the nation split into the kingdoms of Israel (north) and Judah (south) (1 Kings 12). The rest of the book chronicles the early history of these two kingdoms (1 Kings 13-22).


First Kings looks like a history of Judah, the Southern Kingdom, and Israel, the Northern Kingdom. While important historical information is presented, some of it is at odds with the presentation found in 1 and 2 Chronicles. Both Chronicles and Kings should be read as theological, rather than historical, presentations of the years of the monarchy. They were written down with a rhetorical purpose in mind. Kings is designed to demonstrate the reasons for the fall of the Northern Kingdom of Israel in 722/721 BCE and Judah’s exile to Babylon in 587/586 BCE. Kings attempts to answer the theological questions, “Why would God allow the Exile to happen to us?” and “What does life with God look like in light of the Exile?”