John 6:1-14 – The Feeding of the Five Thousand


John 6:1-14


Jesus feeds the five thousand which sets in motion the Bread of Life Discourse


The feeding of the five thousand is the only miracle of Jesus to appear in all four Gospels. Clearly, this was an important event in Jesus’ ministry. At the same time, there are some unique features of John’s narration of this miracle that connect to John’s portrait of Jesus. First, the feeding of the five thousand in John takes place when the feast of Passover is near (6:4). This abundant provision of Jesus recalls God’s steadfast love in God’s deliverance of God’s people from the tenth plague, the killing of the firstborn in Egypt. Second, John says that there was a “great deal of grass” in the place (6:10). This detail of abundance recalls the abundant wine at the wedding at Cana and looks forward to the pastures of abundant life that Jesus as the good shepherd will provide for his sheep (10:9). Third, whereas in Matthew (14:13-21), Mark (6:31-44), and Luke (9:12-17), Jesus gives the bread and fish to the disciples, and they distribute the meal to the crowds, in John Jesus himself feeds the five thousand. Because of these distinctive features of John’s record of the feeding of the five thousand, the rest of the chapter unpacks the meaning of this miraculous sign (like chapter 5) through dialogue and Jesus’ Bread of Life discourse.