Lesson 6 of 6
In Progress

Bible in the World – Joel

Connection with the Pentecost experience

The best known passage from Joel is 2:28-29 where, it is said, all people – including sons and daughters, old men and young men, even slaves – will be able to prophesy. God will pour out the spirit on all people. The New Testament author of Acts uses this passage in Peter’s speech to interpret the experience of people speaking and understanding many different languages. It links the Hebrew Bible with the experience of those first Christians.

Sistine Chapel

Joel is one of seven prophets (also Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jonah, Zechariah) painted in the chapel. Michelangelo paints Joel in a sitting position looking at an opened scroll and wearing a robe and red band. The balding prophet does not appear happy about the content of the scroll. Perhaps he is reading his own words of disaster and judgment.

Your Daughters Shall Prophesy

The phrase “your daughters shall prophecy” from Joel 2:28 has been quoted in the Christian tradition to support women’s leadership in the Church. In the 20th century and today, for example, Pentecostals and Baptists use Joel to argue for women preachers who are ordained by the Spirit.