Revised by Kristopher Phan Coffman, 04/23
This letter is one of the most hope-filled books in the New Testament. Its purpose is to encourage Christian converts living in the midst of a hostile society. It does this by emphasizing their new life and salvationSalvation can mean saved from something (deliverance) or for something (redemption). Paul preached that salvation comes through the death of Christ on the cross which redeemed sinners from death and for a grace-filled life. in the risen Christ (who is their “living hope”), showing how they became heirs of the people of God described in the Old Testament, and helping them understand what it means to live faithfully among people who ridicule and harass them. Throughout this letter, Jesus Christ’s life, and especially his suffering, is used as an example of how they are to understand and bear their sufferings as they seek to do God’s will.
This letter expresses the gospel in varied and powerful ways and then draws from it interesting implications for how Christians might think about living faithfully in their society. The distance between 1 Peter’s context in the first century and the context of the modern world is huge, and it requires us to think critically about the applications of the letter’s words to our own lives. The daring and creative ways in which the letter works out its view of faith and life challenge us to take these ideas seriously and to think with equal daring and creativity regarding the challenges facing Christians today.
The First Letter of Peter is the 21st book in the New Testament. It is situated among the books typically referred to as the “Catholic Letters” (James through Jude)–“catholic” in the sense of being generally applicable.
The author of the letter identifies himself as “Peter, an apostleDerived from a Greek word meaning “one who is sent,” an apostle is a person who embraces and advocates another person’s idea or beliefs. At the beginning of his ministry Jesus called twelve apostles to follow and serve him. Paul became an apostle of Jesus… of Jesus Christ” (1:1) and as an “elder” and “witness of the sufferings of Christ” (5:1). The conclusion of the letter adds that it comes “through Silvanus” (5:12). Some scholars consider it a pseudonymous work (see Introductory Issues).
The letter contains no chronological markers except for the mention of Peter and Silvanus. If the ApostlePeter is the author, it would indicate a composition sometime in the mid 60s.
Believers have reasons for hope, even in times of apparent hopelessness and persecution, because Christ is raised and living, and God is at work in the world.
First Peter is carefully written and repays careful reading. Read it as good news for bad times: truth from the One who is the truth, hope from the One who is our living hope, and encouragement from the One who has promised to be faithful to us all the way through eternity, no matter how difficult and chaotic the present may seem.