Podcast Episodes
Everything you wanted to know about the Bible...but were afraid to ask!
October 26, 2023
Today our theologians will be answering the listener-submitted question, "Did God create the Devil? Why would God do that?"
October 18, 2023
Today our theologians will be answering the listener-submitted question, "My confirmation students want to know where the Devil comes from?"
October 12, 2023
In episode 13 of season 5, our hosts present their fifth Lighting Round!
October 3, 2023
In episode 13 of season 5, our hosts present their fifth Lighting Round!
September 28, 2023
Co-hosts Katie & Kathryn speak with Amy-Jill Levine, asking, "Who Are the ‘Marginal’ and the ‘Outcast’ (Given How Popular these Terms Are in Sermons)?"
September 19, 2023
Co-hosts Katie & Kathryn speak with Amy-Jill Levine, asking, "Who are 'the Jews' in John's passion narrative?"
September 13, 2023
Co-hosts Katie & Kathryn speak with Karl Jacobson, asking, "What Is Going on in 1 Samuel 28 (Witch of Endor)?"
September 5, 2023
Co-hosts Katie & Kathryn speak with Karl Jacobson, asking, "Where Do We Find Humor in the Bible?"
August 29, 2023
Co-hosts Katie & Kathryn speak with Sarah Hinlicky Wilson, asking, "What Are Beliefs Concerning the Book of Revelation? Premillennialism, Postmillennialism, Amillennialism?"
August 22, 2023
Co-hosts Katie & Kathryn speak with Sarah Hinlicky Wilson, asking, "Why Does God Only Heal Conditions that the Body Has the Capability to Heal Naturally?"