Matthew 24:1-25:46 – Discourse on Waiting before the End of the Age


Matthew 24:1-25:46


Jesus addresses his disciples who are concerned about the “what” and the “when” of the end of the age with instructions about living in the midst of waiting for the coming of the kingdom. He calls them to hopeful watchfulness and obedient compassion.


In this fifth and final major discourse of Jesus, Matthew follows Mark’s model (Mark 13) by placing the disciples’ questions about the end time just before the narrative of Jesus’ passion and death, but with major additions and adaptations. The result is to soften the more apocalyptic tones of Mark with material that focuses more on what it means to live obediently and expectantly in the meantime as a community waiting for Jesus’ return. Once again, the familiar formulaic conclusion, “When Jesus had finished saying these things,” marks the end of the discourse and the immediate transition to the narrative of the passion (26:1).