Matthew 22:41-46 – Jesus’ Playful Riddle


Matthew 22:41-46


After all of the trick questions that he has received, Jesus offers up one of his own.


After his arrival in Jerusalem, Jesus endured a litany of questions from different Jewish groups, Jesus evaded his interrogators, playing the role of trickster and causing his opponents to fall into their own traps. He caps the sequence off with a tricky question of his own. 

Jesus’ question brings a citation from Scripture (Psalm 110) and the traditions of the scribes into seeming conflict by playing upon societal expectations. The expectation of first-century society was that a father would always be master of his children. Thus, it seems impossible that David’s “son” could also be his “Lord.” Like the questions that his opponents formulated, Jesus’ riddle is meant to trap the answerer into denying either the Davidic nature of the Messiah or the Messiah’s lordship. 

The trickiness of the riddle is evident in two ways. First, Matthew has made sure that his audience already knows for certain that Jesus is both the Messiah and the son of David. The beginning of the Gospel confirms that Jesus is the Messiah and upon his entry into Jerusalem, the crowds proclaim it, too. Thus, the riddle is not meant to seriously imply a contradiction. Second, the reaction of Jesus’ opponents shows that they know they’ve been beaten. They don’t attempt to answer the question and it puts a stop to their efforts to trap him.