Matthew 17:14-20 – A Demon Beyond the Disciples


Matthew 17:14-20


Jesus is exasperated by an encounter with a demon whom the disciples could not cast out. He chastises them afterward for their little faith.


Some equate the Gospel of Matthew with an emphasis on deeds because of the Sermon on the Mount. The Gospel, however, places an equal emphasis on the importance of words and faith (see for example Matthew 12:33-37 Good from Good, Bad from Bad). In Matthew, Jesus rejects signs as unnecessary, focusing instead on the way in which the Ninevites repented at Jonah’s preaching and the Queen of Sheba came to hear Solomon’s wisdom

In this pericope the question of the relationship between deeds and faith comes together, as the disciples find themselves unable to perform the deed of casting out a demon from a young boy. Jesus responds with what can only be characterized as exasperation, asking how much longer he has to put up with this “faithless and perverse generation” (17:17). Jesus then explains to the disciples that their lack of faith prevented them from casting out the demon. He goes so far as to say that their faith was smaller than a mustard seed, a seed proverbial for its smallness (see for example the parable of the mustard seed, Matthew 13:31-32).