The Gospel of Mark concludes with the discovery of the empty tomb and a young man who announces that JesusJesus is the Messiah whose life, death, and resurrection are God's saving act for humanity. is preceding his followers into Galilee, as he promised.
The last sequence of time in the passionPassion is the theological term used to describe Jesus' suffering prior to and including his crucifixion. The Passion Narrative (the portions of the Gospels that tell of the Last Supper, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus) are often read in church during Holy Week. and resurrection story comes with the story of the empty tomb. The SabbathSabbath is a weekly day of rest, the seventh day, observed on Saturday in Judaism and on Sunday in Christianity. In the book of Genesis, God rested on the seventh day; in the Gospel accounts Jesus and his disciples are criticized by some for not... has passed, and “very early on the first day of the week” (16:2) Mary MagdaleneFollower of Jesus and among the first to reach Jesus' tomb on Easter., Mary the mother of James, and Salome bring spices to anointTo anoint is to pour oil, water, or other substances on a person's head in a ritual fashion. In the Old Testament the prophet Samuel anointed David; and in Luke's gospel Jesus declared that he was anointed by the Spirit to bring good news to... the body of Jesus. The stone from the door of the tomb has been rolled back, and as they enter, a young man announces that Jesus of Nazareth has been raised. They are told to announce to the disciples that he is going before them into Galilee. The women are overcome with terror (trembling) and amazement (ecstasy), “and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid” (16:8).
This enigmatic ending to the Gospel appears to be inconclusive, but it is not. The empty tomb is a theophanyTheophany describes the undoubted appearance of God to human beings. Biblical examples of theophany are the appearance of God to Moses in the burning bush and God's appearance to the disciples on the mount of Transfiguration. ; it is a revelation of God’s living presence in the world. This presence has been revealed in the Gospel of Mark from beginning (1:1) to conclusion (16:1-8) in the crucified and risen Jesus of Nazareth. The gospel story is concluded, and the good news is proclaimed. This is a new beginning. This is the promise of new life in Jesus Christ who goes before us and calls us to follow. Many ancient manuscripts containing the Gospel of Mark provide other stories of resurrection appearances (16:9-20), which function like an epilogue that brings Mark into greater harmony with the other canonical Gospels.