Luke 24:1-12 – A Group of Women Discover Jesus’ Tomb Empty


Luke 24:1-12


As dawn breaks on the Sunday morning following Jesus’ crucifixion, a group of women who are part of the larger company of Jesus’ followers go to his tomb but are confused when they discover the tomb open and empty. Two messengers appear and remind the women that Jesus promised he would rise from the dead. They return to the rest of the group to share the news, but no one believes their story.


The same women who witness Jesus’ burial (Luke 23:55-56) return on Sunday morning to anoint his body. None of them expects to find the tomb empty. Their confusion about the open and empty tomb soon dissolves into remembrance, but not until two messengers (that is, angels) appear and remind them that Jesus promised he would rise from the dead (referring to Luke 9:22). The turning point for them is when they remember, but they do not arrive at that remembrance on their own. The messengers’ testimony is essential.

The women—who have a long history as part of Jesus’ movement (see Luke 8:1-3; 23:55)—return to the larger group, consisting of the eleven remaining apostles and others. No one believes what they have to say, however. The translation these words seemed to them an idle tale is somewhat tame. The others think that Mary Magdalene and the other women are spouting nonsense or being stupid. Their testimony is not only disbelieved, it is mocked.

For whatever reason, Peter—either because he is confused, he wants to debunk the women’s report, or he has a glimmer of hope that maybe they are right after all—gets up and runs to the tomb. He sees the scene and is amazed. No one has yet encountered the risen Jesus, but already Luke indicates that believing is not automatic. Even his closest followers are still taking it all in and are seeking reminders or evidence or an encounter.