Acts 8:26-39 – The Baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch


Acts 8:26-39


Philip is directed by the Holy Spirit to meet an Ethiopian eunuch and court official who is reading Isaiah on the way home from Jerusalem. The eunuch asks for and receives baptism as a believer in Jesus as God’s Messiah, promised by Isaiah.


Technically, this story features the first God-fearing Gentile in Acts who believes in Christ and is baptized. Philip’s evangelization of this Ethiopian eunuch, however, is overshadowed in Acts by Peter’s outreach to the God-fearing centurion Cornelius in 10:1‒11:18.

Yet the present story has other important elements. First, the man is an Ethiopian who returns to a position of power (chief finance officer) among his people. One presumes that he will bear witness to his new faith in Christ in his homeland. Second, he returns to Ethiopia with joy, reminding us that becoming part of the community of the baptized and welcoming Jesus as God’s Messiah creates and sustains joy. Third, the passage which the Ethiopian eunuch is reading from Isaiah (53:7-8) and which serves as the basis for Philip’s preaching about Jesus (Acts 8:32-35) is particularly relevant to the eunuch’s physical condition, as it speaks of a “shorn” and “humiliated” servant-figure blessed by God. Fourth, this story fulfills a prophecy from Isaiah 56:1-7. In this passage God promises that, when God’s “salvation will come” and God’s “deliverance [will] be revealed,” foreigners and eunuchs who love God and keep God’s covenant will have a place among God’s people and experience joy. The fulfillment of this prophecy is both an important part of proof that God is acting to save and an example of how the mission will go forward.