2 Chronicles 1:1-17 – Solomon’s Wisdom and Wealth


2 Chronicles 1:1-17


The reign of Solomon is introduced by lifting up his gift of wisdom and his vast wealth.


The initial notice that “God was with” Solomon (v. 1) provides continuity with 1 Chronicles by answering David’s prayer for his son (1 Chronicles 28:20). Of greater significance, however, is Solomon’s initial act after having “established himself in his kingdom.” By leading a procession of “all Israel” for sacrifice at Gibeon, the only legitimate site before the building of the temple, Solomon begins his reign with an act of worship, as had his father before him (1 Chronicles 13). The granting of Solomon’s prayer for wisdom (vv. 10-12) fulfills another of David’s prayers for his son (1 Chronicles 22:12) and, together with the references to Solomon’s wisdom and wealth in 2 Chronicles 8:17-9:31, frames the reign of Solomon and the construction of the temple.