Showing just how much SaulThe first king of Israel. has become an enemy of God and of Israel, he orders the execution of God’s priests by a foreigner when no Israelite will lift their hand against the anointed leaders.
Saul knew that the people had turned against him, even those who still followed him physically. Saul accused the Israelites of not informing him of David’s movements, or when his son JonathanSon of King Saul and friend of David. made covenants with DavidSecond king of Israel, David united the northern and southern kingdoms.. An Edomite named Doeg stepped forward to inform on David when no Israelites would. Doeg was probably only too happy to point out that the priests aided David against Saul, and thereby pointed King Saul’s fury at them.
Ahimelech the priestA priest is a person who has the authority to perform religious rites. In New Testament times priests were responsible for daily offerings and sacrifices in the temple. appears to have come before Saul with a relatively clean conscience. David was earlier the king’s trusted champion and son-in-law. Moreover, David had inquired of the LORD through the priests many times before. Why would Ahimelech not help David in every way he asked?
Saul flew into a rage, however, and ordered those with him to strike down Ahimelech and all those with him. The Israelites flatly refused. Doeg the Edomite was pleased to comply with Saul’s murderous orders, however. Not only did he kill Ahimelech and all the priests, but he also killed all the women and children in their town, as well as all the animals.
Ahimelech’s son, Abiathar, fled to David’s camp. Abiathar was to be the last full priest of Eli’s line. Abiathar’s son Jonathan would be known as “a priest’s son,” but was apparently not a priest in his own right. This is the end of the priestly line of EliPriest at Shiloh who cared for young Samuel., fulfilling the grim prophecies from 1 SamuelThe judge who anointed the first two kings of Israel. 2 & 3.