PaulThe Apostle Paul, originally known as Saul of Tarsus, was the author of several New Testament letters and the founder of many Christian communities. counsels the Corinthians that their behavior should be guided not only by what they know to be true, namely that “no idolIdolatry is the worship of something other than the true God. An idol may be a cult image, an idea, or an object made of wood or stone. Ome of the Ten Commandments specifically prohibits the worship of graven images or idols; this concern is... in the world really exists” (1 Corinthians 8:4), but also on the effect their behavior will have on brothers and sisters in Christ.
The issue of whether to eat meat that has been associated with idol worship occupies three chapters of this letter. The problem is that most if not all meat available in the Corinthian marketplace and at public social gatherings would have fallen into this category. Should Christians buy such meat? Should they eat it if it is served at someone else’s home? Should they participate in meals associated with pagan religious festivals?
Some in the community see nothing wrong with eating this meat because “no idol in the world really exists” (1 Corinthians 8:4). Paul agrees with this assessment of idols. Yet he argues that love is more important than knowledge, just as love is more important than the spiritual gifts of speaking in tongues or prophesying (see 1 Corinthians 13). Paul answers the questions about idol meat not with a new teaching on idolatry but by urging the Corinthians to consider how their actions will affect others and to refrain from any action that will cause others to stumble.