The judgment that spills beyond JudahJudah was the name of Jacob's fourth son and one of the 12 tribes. sweeps up surrounding nations because of their indifference to Judah’s suffering or their explicit taunting of Judah in its judgment.
Oracles against the nations are a common occurrence in prophetic books. These speeches of the prophets address concerns beyond those of Israel and Judah, yet the audience for these oracles is almost certainly the people of Israel and Judah.
The oracles function in multiple ways. The destruction announced in chapter 1 included all humanity, spiraling out from Jerusalem in Judah. The indifferent arrogance of Judean officials in chapter 1 is paralleled by the taunting arrogance of the nations in chapter 2. Both are judged. Chapter 3 returns the focus to Judah where haughtiness is again an issue. The judged nations of chapter 2 are the weapons of God’s anger against Judah, but readers know that they are doomed agents. The nations return as a part of the chorus that praises Judah’s restoration (3:19-20). Whatever role the nations play as God’s agents against Judah, they are also responsible for their own misconduct and injustices. Beyond the complete destruction depicted in the beginning of the book, Zephaniah envisions a future for both Judah (3:11-20) and the nations as a transformed and newly united whole (3:9-10).
The destiny of the nations spoken of by Zephaniah is not focused on end times as in Daniel. The concerns are more immediate. The oracles of Zephaniah are envisioned as unfolding on a familiar political and historical stage, not a heightened and fantastical one as in apocalyptic literature–despite Zephaniah’s “day of the LordThe Day of the Lord, in prophetic writing, is the day of judgment when God will intervene directly in world affairs. As described in Zephaniah, for instance, God will sweep everything away. In Matthew's gospel God is described as gathering the elect on the day...” being closely associated in church traditions with eschatologyEschatology is the study of things that are expected to happen at the end of time. In the New Testament, this period is viewed in terms of a cosmic struggle between good and evil, which eventually will culminate in the second coming of Jesus and... via the medieval poetic and later musical composition known as the Dies Irae. The other nations may taunt Judah, and the oracles give voice to anger over this posture by presenting it as short-sighted–none will be spared–but it will be because all are under the reach of God’s power. The divine demands have a particular focus on Judah and Jerusalem, but they extend to a wider horizon. Within that wider scope, the particular focus on Judah will reemerge. God will recreate, transform, and unify the people. (See the mentions of gathering together for judgment in 2:1 and gathering together for rejoicing in 3:20.) Hope can break through even in the darkest times. In the midst of the devastating judgment of the Day of the Lord, the oracles of the nations articulate the first glimpse of a future beyond the devastation. God’s passion for the people of God breaks open the judgment to forge a new future. The oracles against the nations become self-serving nationalistic literature only if they are separated from the context of the judgment of God that is already in place and occurring in the lives of the Judean audience.