As the focal point of the night visions, God elevates Joshua, the High PriestThe high priest was the most powerful priest in the temple in Jerusalem. The high priest Caiaphas held the office during the trial of Jesus. Later, in the New Testament book of Hebrews, the role of merciful high priest is ascribed to the resurrected Jesus., and Zerubbabel, the civil leader.
After Joshua’s brief heavenly trial (the angel of the Lord supports Joshua, while “the Satan” acts as a prosecuting attorney), Joshua’s filthy garments – symbolizing Israel’s/Judah’s sins – are removed and he is given clean clothes befitting a high priestA priest is a person who has the authority to perform religious rites. In New Testament times priests were responsible for daily offerings and sacrifices in the temple.. Then the angel of the LORD gives Joshua a choice: If you walk in my ways and perform my service, you will govern my house and be in charge of my courtyards.
Then Joshua is given a prophecyProphecy is the gift, inspired by God, of speaking and interpreting the divine will. Prophets such as Amos, Isaiah, and Ezekiel spoke words of judgment and comfort to the people of Israel on behalf of God. of a Branch and that one day, God will remove the guilt of the land and everyone will invite their neighbor to sit together and enjoy the fecundity of the earth together. This Branch is the descendant of David (PsalmA psalm is a song of praise. In the Old Testament 150 psalms comprise the psalter, although some of the psalms are laments and thanksgivings. In the New Testament early Christians gathered to sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. 132:17, Jeremiah 23:5, Jeremiah 33:15). Zechariah is explicit that Zerubbabel is in view here (6:12), but many Christians will read a polyvalent prophecy pre-figuring Jesus.
The fifth vision echoes the fourth, and lifts up Zerubbabel as God’s chosen workman to accomplish the work of God, especially in beginning to reconstitute templeThe Jerusalem temple, unlike the tabernacle, was a permanent structure, although (like the tabernacle) it was a place of worship and religious activity. On one occasion Jesus felt such activity was unacceptable and, as reported in all four Gospels, drove from the temple those engaged... service and lay foundations for the Temple.
Later on in the night vision, Zechariah sees two olive trees that produce an ongoing supply of olive oil for the golden lampstand. Zechariah learns that these trees represent the two messiahs/anointed people. In the context, these are probably Joshua, the High Priest, and Zerubbabel. This passage also gives birth to the Jewish understanding that two messiahs, rather than just one, were to come to set things right. One would be the MessiahThe Messiah was the one who, it was believed, would come to free the people of Israel from bondage and exile. In Jewish thought the Messiah is the anticipated one who will come, as prophesied by Isaiah. In Christian thought Jesus of Nazareth is identified... of Joseph (representing the Northern KingdomThe Northern Kingdom consisted of ten of the twelve tribes of Israel and lasted for 200 years until it was destroyed by Assyria in 721 B.C.E. In the northern kingdom the kings were evil. Prophets like Elijah and Amos railed against them and their evildoing. of Israel) and one would be the Messiah of David (representing the Southern KingdomThe Southern Kingdom consisted of two tribes of Israel, Judah and Benjamin. Jerusalem was its capital, and the kingdom lasted from 931-586 B.C.E. As with the Northern Kingdom many of the kings were wicked, and prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel spoke their often judgmental... of Judah). They would work together to accomplish God’s purposes and welcome the Messianic Age (BT Sukkot 52b).