God’s enemies suffer defeat by the power of the word.
The battle described here marks the victory of the word of Christ over the powers that oppose God. The battle is normally identified by the name Armageddon, which was mentioned in 16:16. Although many think of Armageddon as a battle involving the usual military technology, the only weapon actually mentioned in Revelation is the sword that comes from the mouth of Christ. Most recognize that this sword symbolizes the power of Christ’s word (see IsaiahIsaiah, son of Amoz, who prophesied in Jerusalem, is included among the prophets of the eighth century BCE (along with Amos, Hosea, and Micah)--preachers who boldly proclaimed God's word of judgment against the economic, social, and religious disorders of their time. 11:4/Revelation 2:16 – The Word as Sword). Christ is also said to wield an iron rod, which here is a tool of governing traditionally ascribed to the MessiahThe Messiah was the one who, it was believed, would come to free the people of Israel from bondage and exile. In Jewish thought the Messiah is the anticipated one who will come, as prophesied by Isaiah. In Christian thought Jesus of Nazareth is identified... in PsalmA psalm is a song of praise. In the Old Testament 150 psalms comprise the psalter, although some of the psalms are laments and thanksgivings. In the New Testament early Christians gathered to sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. 2:9. The battle plays an important role in Revelation because it points to the end of the powers that oppress the world and seek to lure people into unbelief. The allies of Christ are not shown slaying the nations with their own weapons. Rather, the battle is a divine act wherein Christ defeats evil through his word alone.