Revelation 12:13-18 – Earth Comes to the Assistance of the Church


Revelation 12:13-18


Satan attempts to destroy the church, but the earth herself comes to its rescue.


The pursuit of the woman who is both church and mother of the Messiah continues after Satan is thrown down from heaven. In his great wrath, he seeks to sweep the woman away with a flood. The woman is saved when the earth comes to her assistance. In most English translations, the pronoun that refers to the earth is translated as a neuter pronoun: “its” (12:16). However, in Greek, the pronoun (and the earth) is feminine, and so it would be appropriate to translate “the earth opened her mouth and swallowed the river” (12:16). Within the context of the Roman Empire, it is probable that John is intentionally protesting against Roman imperial propaganda. A stock piece of Roman visual imagery was the emperor as a warrior, subduing nature, portrayed as a woman. The message of this imagery was that the emperor’s power of war led to agricultural prosperity. John, in his vision of the earth thwarting the dragon, condemns this link between war and prosperity. In John’s eyes, the Roman emperor is part of the destructive forces allied with the dragon. The earth does not submit to this destruction, but instead rises up against it. This rebellion of mother earth, is part of John’s contention that creation itself is redeemed through the blood of the Lamb.