All good things come together in God’s salvationSalvation can mean saved from something (deliverance) or for something (redemption). Paul preached that salvation comes through the death of Christ on the cross which redeemed sinners from death and for a grace-filled life. of God’s people.
At the end of this prayer for restoration and renewal comes one of the Psalter’s loveliest images of God’s salvation. When “salvation is at hand” (v. 9), then “Steadfast loveThe steadfast love (hesed) of God is the assurance of God's loving kindness, faithfulness, and mercy. This assurance rings throughout the Old Testament, and is affirmed more than 120 times in the Psalms. In some hymns of praise the response of the people was likely... and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will kiss each other. Faithfulness will spring up from the ground, and righteousness will look down from the sky” (vv. 10-11). The images are poetic, of course, not literal, yet their truth is profound. At last, everything meets: steadfast love and faithfulness, righteousness and peace, faithfulness and righteousness. The repetition indicates that precise definitions of terms are not the primary issue here, though each of these words has content. Still, the point at last is that “the Lord will give what is good” (v. 12)--everything that is good. This is what God has in store for God’s people, that for which they hope in faith and which they experience, if incompletely, even now by faith.