Don’t engage in illicit sexual behavior; do enjoy sex within marriage.
Here is one of several warnings in Proverbs about the dangers of illicit sexual activity. Sexual promiscuity and prostitution was a problem in the time when Proverbs was written, as, of course, it is in every age, including our own. The writers of Proverbs pull no punches about the consequences of loose sexual behavior: What may begin with words that are all sweetness and honey is likely to end in death (vv. 1-5)! Or, in another run at the same topic, the teacher says that irresponsible sexual behavior will result in disease and disgrace (vv. 8-14). In contrast is a portrayal of the joys, delights, and intoxications of a faithful marriage (vv. 15-19). (See View of Women in Proverbs in Bible in the World.)