Micah 1:2-7 – God Will Soon Destroy Samaria


Micah 1:2-7


God will come down to the earth to destroy Samaria, the capital city of the kingdom of Israel, because of its many transgressions.


The book of Micah begins with a horrific description of the devastation soon to come to the northern kingdom of Israel. God has been moved to act because of Israel’s sins. God would not take such violent action if there were not a good reason for it. This passage is written as if God were making a case before all the people on earth that the destruction of Samaria is justified (v. 2). For those who may be wondering why God would so cruelly punish God’s own people, the book wants to make clear from the beginning that God had just cause. It is not that God has been unfaithful or takes pleasure in acts of destruction. The people deserve their fate, and cleansing judgment is needed.

This is probably the earliest prophetic oracle from Micah since it must come before the calamity that it predicts–the fall of Samaria in 721 B.C.E. The rest of the book is directed to the southern kingdom of Judah, which remained in existence for more than another century. It is important to note (in v. 5) the link between the fall of Israel and the threat to Judah. Judah will face the same horrible end because they, too, have sinned and deserve punishment.