JeremiahProphet who condemned Judah's infidelity to God, warned of Babylonian conquest, and promised a new covenant. 28 is a parade example of the conflict between Jeremiah and false prophets, though Hananiah does not look the part.
Jeremiah often refers to false prophets, and Hananiah is the most prominent. Hananiah is something of a surprise to a reader who has repeatedly read about the false prophets. One is led to expect a charlatan or a quack, an idolater or an immoral individual, one who is obviously deceptive. The portrayal of Hananiah, whose name means “Yahweh is gracious,” cuts against such an expectation. He is presented as a model of prophetic propriety. He uses all the right language, including the typical “Thus says the Lord” (28:2) and the use of the divine “I.” He also performs symbolic acts (28:10), as does Jeremiah (for example, 13:1-11). He is given genealogical and geographical identity; he is placed in a specific historical context, comparable to that of Jeremiah himself (compare 28:1 with 1:1-3).
Moreover, the text identifies Hananiah simply as “the prophet,” with no qualifications (interestingly, the SeptuagintThe Septuagint is a pre-Christian (third to first century BCE) Greek translation of the Jewish Scriptures. It is believed that the term Septuagint derives from the number of scholars-seventy (or seventy-two)-who reputedly did the work of translation. identifies him as a “false prophet”). In other words, the only possible clue as to the “falseness” of Hananiah’s preaching is the word he speaks. And, then, many a hearer/reader would be led to think that he is even more believable than Jeremiah himself. He preaches the gospel so clearly! God is about to act in saving ways on behalf of Israel. Jeremiah even has to hesitate for some time before he sees through what Hananiah has to say. He is finally able to respond only when he has heard from Yahweh. Jeremiah will, finally, speak a word of salvationSalvation can mean saved from something (deliverance) or for something (redemption). Paul preached that salvation comes through the death of Christ on the cross which redeemed sinners from death and for a grace-filled life. to Israel as well, but such a word can in truth only come through judgment.
Hananiah is put to death according to the law of Deuteronomy 13:1-5.