Isaiah 41:8-13 – My Friend Abraham


Isaiah 41:8-13


The exiles need not fear for God is with them. God treats them as a friend, just as God had regarded Abraham.


This is one of the oracles of salvation typical of the prophecy of Second Isaiah. All of the institutions of Israel had been lost in the Babylonian conquest, but these texts announce that God’s personal and intimate connection to the people is not broken. The temple, the land, and the king might be gone–overwhelming losses–but Israel need not fear, for God is with them.

The oracles of salvation respond to Israel’s laments, which had mourned the broken relation with God, self, and neighbor (now enemy). Now all of those are restored. God is with them; the people are strengthened; and all their enemies “shall be as nothing.” Being deserted by “friends and companions” gives rise to lament (Psalm 38:11), but now God is “friend” (Isaiah 41:8), so all can be well.

“I will help you,” says God–using the same term applied to the companion given the human creature in the garden of Eden, because it was “not good” that humans should be alone (Genesis 2:18). Humans were meant to be “helpers” of one another, but when there is “no one to help” (Psalm 22:11; 107:12; Lamentations 1:7), God steps in with the promise to be Israel’s helper, to be the “significant other” that the human companion was meant to be; this is another example of the remarkable intimacy of God’s language in Second Isaiah.