Hebrews 9:24-28 – Christ’s Work Is Like that of Moses, and Unlike It


Hebrews 9:24-28


The work of Moses offers an analogy to what Christ has done, but the ways that Christ’s work is different from that of Moses are as important as the ways the two are alike. 


Hebrews compares Moses and Jesus on several counts. Both entered a sanctuary set aside for God’s presence, but one was a tent constructed to represent the realm of God; the other was the very realm of God’s presence. Moses was the first of many to offer sacrifice “year after year” (9:25). Jesus appeared “once for all” (9:26) and made a single sacrifice that was sufficient for the forgiveness of sins. Finally, Christ’s path diverges from Moses’ in that Christ will appear again, not to offer another sacrifice (there is no need) but rather to bring the salvation for which the readers of this letter wait.