Habakkuk prays that what has been characteristic of God in the past would also be a present experience.
Habakkuk 3:3-15 is a hymn celebrating God’s historical deliverance of Israel, using the language of cosmic conflicts. While at some point in the past a specific event may have occasioned this hymn, it is not reporting past events as such. Rather, the hymn is expressing renown and awe at the reversal of all forces that diminish life. Chaotic waters are subdued as historic enemies are defeated. There is no sharp division between the natural and the historic. Nations are trampled as is the sea with its churning, mighty waters (3:12, 15). Creation and redemption are intertwined in this hymnic celebration. The Book of Habakkuk yearns for and promises a defeat of chaotic violence. It awaits the defeat of not just a single oppressor, but a reordering of life that reverses all forms of diminishment. “In our own time revive [your work]” is a perpetual prayer for those who wait for deliverance from wrathful times.