It seems as though the world is at the same time self-destructing and calling down the judgment of God. But for those who belong to Christ, these dismal surroundings are a summons not to passivity or despondency but to a lifestyle of eager expectancy and faithfulness.
The letter is full of ominous warnings. Given the grave concerns of the writer and his passionate commitment to sustain and affirm the teachings of the ApostleDerived from a Greek word meaning "one who is sent," an apostle is a person who embraces and advocates another person's idea or beliefs. At the beginning of his ministry Jesus called twelve apostles to follow and serve him. Paul became an apostle of Jesus... PeterPeter (also known as Cephas, Simon Peter) was the disciple who denied Jesus during his trial but later became a leader in proclaiming Jesus., this is just what we would expect. But there is also a great deal of emphasis on the hope and purpose of living well, living wisely, and living circumspectly in the light of the great graceGrace is the unmerited gift of God's love and acceptance. In Martin Luther's favorite expression from the Apostle Paul, we are saved by grace through faith, which means that God showers grace upon us even though we do not deserve it. that has been received.