- New Testament
2 Corinthians
A real-life window on a strained relationship between a church leader and the people he loves.

Everything You Wanted To Know about 2 Corinthians
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About Your Instructor

Mary Hinkle Shore
Mary Hinkle Shore is an ordained minister in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and a former professor of New Testament at Luther Seminary. Her work has appeared in The Christian Century, Journal for Preachers, Word & World, and on Working Preacher. She lives in Brevard, North Carolina, and continues to be a frequent speaker at church events.
She especially enjoys working with seminarians, clergy and lay preachers on biblical interpretation and the moves between text and sermon. Shore completed a Ph.D. in New Testament and Christian Origins at Duke University, and also holds a Master of Divinity from Luther Northwestern Theological Seminary, and a Bachelor of Arts in Religion from Capital University in Columbus, Ohio.
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