Bible Reading Tip: Read the Bible in its Original Languages

So maybe you have decided to read the Bible in one year. Good for you! Now you are struggling with the very practical question: Where can I find Bible study tools?

by Pastor Clint Schnekloth

So maybe you have decided to read the Bible in one year. Good for you! Now you are struggling with the very practical question: Where can I find Bible study tools?

In previous months we’ve looked at how to pick a study Bible and where to read the Bible online.

Here’s another way to study the Bible:

4.Read the Bible in its original languages

It may interest you to do a little research into the original languages.

There are a number of resources available, including:

  1. A wiki lexicon and concordance for New Testament Greek at
  2. The full Greek Bible at
  3. For a resource that has Hebrew, Greek, study, interlinear, and even flash card resources, check out

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