7.145: Do Christians have to keep the Sabbath?

Explore the Sabbath's significance for Christians with Dennis T. Olson in our season finale.


In this episode of the Enter the Bible podcast, hosts Katie Langston and Kathryn Schifferdecker engage with retired Charles T. Haley Professor of Old Testament Theology and Chair of the Biblical Studies Department at Princeton Theological Seminary, Dennis T. Olson to explore the significance of the Sabbath commandment for Christian believers. 

In our season seven finale, we explore the rich meaning of Sabbath rest—its roots, its connection to Jesus’ life, and its relevance today. From the shift to Sunday worship to the challenges of finding rest in a fast-paced world, we discuss how the Sabbath is both a gift for flourishing and a practice of trust. Drawing on biblical stories like the manna in the wilderness, we reflect on how embracing the Sabbath can bring joy, community, and deeper reliance on God’s provision.

Original Question Submitted:

“What is the significance of the Sabbath commandment for believers, and how should it be observed today?”

Bible References

  • Exodus 20:2, 8-11
  • Deuteronomy 5:12-15
  • Ecclesiastes 2:24
  • Mark 2:27
  • Matthew 6:34
  • Luke 11:3
  • Romans 14:5
  • Galatians 4:10-11
  • Colossians 2

Dive Deeper

ETB podcast episode 11, “Does Sabbath Still Matter?” with Diane Jacobson

Today's Episode Hosted By

Joined by

Dennis Olson

Dennis T. Olson


Picture of Dennis Olson

Dennis Olson

Dennis Olson recently retired as the Charles T. Haley Professor of Old Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey. Ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and a former parish pastor, Olson’s current scholarly interests and writings focus on the Pentateuch, literary theory, and the theological interpretation of Scripture.

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Hosted By:

Picture of Kathryn M. Schifferdecker

Kathryn M. Schifferdecker

Kathryn M Schifferdecker came to Luther Seminary as an assistant professor of Old Testament in 2006. Ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in 2001, Schifferdecker was associate pastor for five years at Trinity Lutheran Church, Arkdale, Wisc., before coming to Luther. Schifferdecker is a frequent contributor to workingpreacher.org, Word & World and the author of Out of the Whirlwind: Creation Theology in the Book of Job (Harvard University Press, 2008). She is currently writing a commentary on the book of Esther.

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Picture of Katie Langston

Katie Langston

Katie Langston is a doubter by nature and a believer by grace. She grew up Mormon in a small Utah town and still isn't sure she fits in anywhere sophisticated enough to have a Target. She's the author of Sealed: An Unexpected Journey into the Heart of Grace, an acclaimed spiritual memoir about her conversion to orthodox Christianity. Katie works as the director of digital strategy for Luther Seminary's innovation team, where she oversees digital projects aimed at cultivating vibrant Christian spirituality in a post-modern, post-Christian cultural context.

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