4.84: What Does “Eternal Life” Mean and When Does It Start?

In this episode, Prof. Kathryn Schifferdecker and Katie Langston speak with Professor Lois Malcolm at Luther Seminary. They gather to answer the listener submitted question, "what does 'eternal life' mean and when does it start?"


In the premier episode of season 4, Prof. Kathryn Schifferdecker and Katie Langston speak with Professor and Olin and Amanda Fjelstad Registad Chair for Systematic Theology of Luther Seminary, Lois Malcolm.

They gather to answer the listener submitted question, “what does ‘eternal life’ mean and when does it start?”

Show notes

Biblical books and passages mentioned

  • Revelation

Topics, themes and figures mentioned

  • Eternal Life
  • Presence of God
  • Promises of God’s
  • New Creation
  • Harmony in Nature
  • Harmony among Human Beings
  • Eschatology
  • Mercy
  • Justice
  • Kingdom of God
  • Eschatological Promises
  • Apolocalyptics
  • Discernment
  • Ethical Teaching
  • Sting of Suffering
  • Sting of Death
  • Weight of Glory

Today's Episode Hosted By

Kathryn Schifferdecker

Kathryn Schifferdecker

Katie Langston

Katie Langston

Joined by

Lois Malcolm


Picture of Lois E. Malcolm

Lois E. Malcolm

Lois Malcolm holds a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. She has taught at Luther Seminary since 1994. Malcolm grew up in the Philippines as the daughter of missionaries. Before becoming a theologian, she received a Master of Arts in applied linguistics from the University of Minnesota. She taught linguistics and English as a second language courses in the U. S. and overseas. Her books include “Holy Spirit: Creative Power in Our Lives” (Fortress, 2009); “God;” an edited volume for “The Westminster Collection of Sources of Christian Theology” (Westminster John Knox Press, 2012); and three forthcoming books: “A Theological Commentary on Second Corinthians” for the “Belief” series (Westminster John Knox); “Sophia Cries Out in the Street: Wisdom in Christian Theology” (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press); and “Christian Understandings of God: The Historical Trajectory,” “The Fortress Historical Trajectories Series” (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press).

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Hosted By:

Picture of Kathryn M. Schifferdecker

Kathryn M. Schifferdecker

Kathryn M Schifferdecker came to Luther Seminary as an assistant professor of Old Testament in 2006. Ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in 2001, Schifferdecker was associate pastor for five years at Trinity Lutheran Church, Arkdale, Wisc., before coming to Luther. Schifferdecker is a frequent contributor to workingpreacher.org, Word & World and the author of Out of the Whirlwind: Creation Theology in the Book of Job (Harvard University Press, 2008). She is currently writing a commentary on the book of Esther.

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Picture of Katie Langston

Katie Langston

Katie Langston is a doubter by nature and a believer by grace. She grew up Mormon in a small Utah town and still isn't sure she fits in anywhere sophisticated enough to have a Target. She's the author of Sealed: An Unexpected Journey into the Heart of Grace, an acclaimed spiritual memoir about her conversion to orthodox Christianity. Katie works as the director of digital strategy for Luther Seminary's innovation team, where she oversees digital projects aimed at cultivating vibrant Christian spirituality in a post-modern, post-Christian cultural context.

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