Prof. Kathryn Schifferdecker and Katie Langston talk with Michael J. Chan exploring the question, what does the Bible say about resurrection?
Show notes
Biblical books and passages mentioned
- 1 Kings 17
- Daniel 10-12
- Matthew 25
- John 11
- Luke 7
- 1 Corinthians 15
Topics, themes and figures mentioned
- Examples of Resurrection in Scripture
- Jesus and Lazarus (John 11)
- Son of the Widow of Nain (Luke 7)
- Daniel 12
- 2 Maccabees 7 (deuterocanonical book)
- 1 Kings 17 (Elijah raises the son of widow of Zarephath)
- 1 Corinthians 15: the apostle talks about the transformed body; resurrection and baptism
- Afterlife
- Sadducees
- Bodily Resurrection
- New Heaven and Earth
- Kosher Laws
- Resurrection vs. Resuscitation/Revivification
- Cremation: not central to the Gospel
- Suffering
- Continuity
- Importance of Bodies
- Oppression
- Persecution
- Poverty
- Persecution
- Adiaophora
Recommended Resources
- Resurrection and the Restoration of Israel: book by Jon Levenson